Posted on 3/14/2025 @ 10:23AM

AHCCCS has received confirmation that its mainframe system connectivity is fully restored. Thank you for your patience.


Provider Listings 

Below is a searchable listing of AHCCCS registered providers by Specialty. These are providers located in the state of Arizona, and these providers may or may not be contracted with all of the AHCCCS Managed Care Organizations (MCOs). Members should check their MCO’s provider directory to confirm the provider is contracted with a specific health plan. You can also call the provider’s office and ask if they are contracted with a certain health plan.

To search for a provider, you can click the drop down arrow on Specialty to select All or a specific type of Specialty, such as, Audiologist or Pediatric Psychiatrist, etc. When you click search, a listing of AHCCCS registered providers will appear and the provider’s Name, Specialty, Address and Phone number will be listed. Providers with multiple office locations will be listed under each location.

The legislation known as Jacob’s Law outlines that if behavioral health services are not received within 21 days from a behavioral health evaluation after a child is removed from their home, the out-of-home placement or adoptive parent must contact the RBHA and AHCCCS customer services at 1-800-867-5808 to document the failure. The child may access services directly from any AHCCCS registered provider regardless of whether the provider is contracted with the RBHA. Below is a searchable listing of AHCCCS registered providers.

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